Friday, September 9, 2016


1.  Go to the Education directory and update your personal and school contact information. If you are a new employee to our school sure to select me as your evaluator.

2.  Complete your self assessment in Educate Alabama (September 12, 2016).

3.  Complete your Professional Learning Plan in Educate Alabama (September 14, 2016) -  Each year we work toward school goals and we document our plans in the PLP.  We have found it to be most helpful for staff if you include the job-embedded PD that will be offered at school as an easy and reliable means to meet all PLP goals. This year under academic goals you may include the following;

Complete International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Training (Category 1, 2 or 3 as applies to you based on work completed).

Evidence - Certificate of Completion

Implications for Learning - Implementation of thematic instruction, utilizing inquiry based teaching strategies and increased instructional rigor.

2.  Complete Learning Focused Schools training.

Evidence - Sign in Sheets

Implications for Learning - Lessons framed around an essential questions and anchor activities.  Increased small group instruction, increased use of graphic organizers in literacy lessons, collaboratively planned lessons, emphasis on students improving critical thinking skills as demonstrated by integrating knowledge across content areas.

3.  Team Meetings on Monday - Team Leaders should bring notebook of team meeting minutes and Teachers should bring student data forms showing student levels and intervention groups.

8:30 AM - 2nd and 3rd Grades

9:35 AM - UA and PE

10:40 AM - K and 1st Grade

1:30 PM - 4th and 5th Grades

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