Friday, May 20, 2016

End of the Year Updates

1.  On Monday May 23rd from 8:00 AM -12:00 Noon at Wenonah High School there will be a Zone 3 Meeting for all Certified Teachers and Principals.  The event will be similar to institute but limited to Zone 3 Schools.  As of now we do not have an assigned section for seating but I expect one to be forthcoming.

Car pooling is suggested as traffic will likely be heavy.  We are asked to park in the rear of the building.  Please wear your school colors.

2.  By now each of you have registered for the ALSDE Dyslexia Training for which we are to attend the afternoon session on May 25, 2016.  Participants are required to travel by Bus.  Our carrier will be at Brown at 11:15 AM for departure.  If you did not register you will be assigned to a make up session at a time to be determined later by the Superintendent.

3.  Teachers are asked to upload all evidence on Educate Alabama by May 24, 2016.  It is appropriate to include the Category 2 IB training that we are currently completing.

4.  On Monday afternoon and into Tuesday we will have individual grade level meetings to discuss team strengths and weaknesses from 2015-16, expectations and changes for 2016-17.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


1.  Summer Reading and Math Program Invitations have been sent home to rising 3rd and 4th Grade Boys.  This program will go far toward closing existing gaps in student academic performance. Please encourage your students to attend if you are a 3rd or 4th grade teacher.

2.  Summer Reading and Math Support for students in Ms. Dixon's 2015-16 class will be offered June 1 - July 8, 2016.

3.  Please advise parents to visit the BCS website for enrichment programs offered by the BCS.  Slots will fill fast so encourage them to immediate action.

4.  Dyslexia Training is scheduled on May 25th from 12:00 - 3:00 PM at Jackson-Olin HS.  All certified teachers are required to attend.  Register at StiPD - #PD-DYSS0516