Monday, August 3, 2015


It is the much anticipated start of a new school year!  I hope each of you are well and energized for another great experience lifting children to exceed their potential.  Below you will find pertinent information as we prepare for the opening of school. The schedule, crisis plan and other detailed information will be provided at the Faculty Meeting.

1.  Institute will be held on tomorrow @ Fair Park Arena.  Buses may be chartered but are not provided this year. We are encouraged to car pool.

2.  Lunch 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

3.  Faculty Meeting today @ 1:00 PM.  Prior to meeting, meet with your grade level. Review your lesson plans, audit instructional materials and resources, desks and technology including Nooks. Team leaders should report any needs in writing at the faculty meeting.

4.  Be ready to instruct at 8:00 PM on Wednesday.  Let's set the tone for the year.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Welcome Back!

The Charles A. Brown Elementary School learning community will be a model school for innovative practices, research based and inquiry centered instruction that prepares students to interact with high moral character in a global society driven by digital media and 21st Century Technology. 

1.  As we head toward the end of the school year let's keep our focus on the essentials that make us who we are.

a.  Structure and Order - Be dutiful in all supervisory responsibilities
b.  Meaningful In-Depth Instruction - We are working under global standards and student learning will be the measure of our success.  Their learning will be assessed in traditional and non-traditional ways.
c.  Digital Learning Community - Teaching and learning is enhanced by using technology.  We are on the cutting edge in our infusion of technology into our classrooms.
d.  A Culture of Winning - We are winners! Winners prepare, work hard and have the confidence to know that results will show their hard work.  We seek out contests and challenges to allow our students to compete.
e.  Communication With Parents - Parents are our partners and by keeping them informed they can support our work.  Make sure all promotion issues have been discussed, ensure that parents are aware of Summer Enrichment plan at our school.

2.  Vertical Team Meeting Agenda

DIBELS Testing
IB Application for Candidacy
IB Staff Training
Failure Conferences
What is Inquiry?
Summer PD

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

ACT Seminars

1.  During Grade Level Meetings on today, each grade level should review resources and develop a plan if action to execute Testing Seminars for the week. As a resource for Reading and language, the following link will take you to Dr. Dimple Martin's Testing Zone shared in her visit in the fall. Students should be taken through all the

For math Dr. Ekuendya has prepared an objective checklist for each skill to be assessed.  The following link will take you to the BCS Mathematics Department's Web Page where you should access the word document entitled Common Core State Standards Grade 3.  Use this skills form for your grade level's math plan.

During your meeting, study these resources in detail, reviewing each one and determine a timeline to cover the information during the time allotted.  As of today we have (8) sessions remaining ( I am adding 8:15AM -10:00AM on Friday Morning).  1:00PM - 3:00PM.  Students are to be dismissed for home from seminars, they should have what is needed for homework when they arrive to seminar at 1:00PM.

2.  All parent conferences regarding potential failures should be turned in by 3:00PM today.  Administrative copy of conference forms should be turned in prior to leaving on today.

3.  Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!  Promote the Summer Academy

4.  The King and Queen Prince and Princess Pageant will be Thursday, March 26, 2015 @ 6:00PM.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

1.  Due to inclement weather, our Black History Month Program will be rescheduled for March 3, 2015 at 9:00AM.

2.  E-Learning Projects due by March 4, 2015. Be sure to have and E-Learning Category in your student's iGrade profile.

3.  High rigor instruction infusing technology into every lesson is our expectation.

Monday, February 9, 2015


1.       Socrative Student Survey (Complete by 2/9/15)  Room: a39b943f

2.      Grade Level Meetings Tuesday

3.      Black History Month Program Tuesday 1:00PM (Grades 3-5)

Due to voting, the program will be held in the Music Room and seating is limited.

4.      School Walkthrough, Wednesday 2/11/15

Student Work Products
Positive Behavior Supports
Learning Supports
Data Walls
Lessons Plans will be inspected by visiting committee.

5.      Potential Donor for IB Program 2/26/15
      Go to for pics and articles on the Basketball   

6.  E-Learning Assignment (February 9-16)
     a.  Included in your I-Gradebook a (E-Learning Category) for this student project grade.
     b.  Complete Students Technology Survey at
     c.  Using IB Learning Profile, identify (1) African American Historic Figure and created a power point or prezi showing how they meet the criteria of an IB Learner.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ready for 2015!

Weather Delay - School Will Open for Students @ 10:00PM on Thursday, January 10, 2015 for students.  Certified Staff should report at 8:45AM.  Classified Personnel report according to schedule.

1.  IB Lesson Planning. Great job to all on developing our first (although unofficial) International Baccalaureate World School Lesson Plans.  Your resilience and scholarly approach to this task was noted and appreciated. Continue to build on those plans as we complete the entire 9 Week Thematic Unit.

2.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observance Projects and Gallery Walk.  On Tuesday January 20, 2015 we will observe the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by presenting class and individual projects designed to explore the ideas and life works of America's most renowned civil rights leader. (Refer to handout for details)

3.  BCS Sumdog Contest for Grades 1-5, January 30, 2015 - February 4, 2015. I am requesting that all classes participate and that we do so with an aggressive intent to win.  The sumdog website is a great instructional tool that is free.  Teachers are expected to register their classes and infuse this resource into your daily math lessons as a station or a other individual practice routines.  Start now registering your classes and using this tool. (Refer to handout for details.)

4.  Communication solves most problems.  Speak up, speak out and ask questions regarding issues you are not proficient with and need clarity in order to be effective.

5.  Grade Level and Individual Conferences will be scheduled for this week and next.  Be prepared to reflect and be accountable for desired results and administrative expectations.

6.  Afterschool Dismissal Adjustments and Reminders.

  • Van riders will no longer be allowed to line up for departure prior to 3:00PM. Students should be delivered to the pick up area by Teacher as class is being walked out to the dismissal area. (NEW)
  • Meaningful instruction should continue until dismissal.  Classes should not stand in the hall waiting for dismissal.  Classes should begin moving toward exists at 2:57 PM. (NEW)
  • During dismissal Teachers should not bring their personal items, we should all be focused on dismissal and supervision of students. Teachers should retrieve their personal items once their duties have been completed as noted above.  
  • All students must remain with their teacher until 3:10 and then be brought to the office to call parents as needed.  Office personnel must be made aware of who is being left and who has already called their ride.
  • Teachers should escort classes out of the building in a line that is orderly. Students should not exit building prior to the teacher.
7.  2015 Healthy Living Campaign - Research supports that healthy employees rarely miss work, are high energy and generally have a pleasant disposition.  Whether small or stout, exercising is a great way to build your cardio vascular system and/or to maintain and/or loose weight.  Each of you are important to the success of our team and your short term and long term health is important.  All employees will be awarded Comp Time for exercising before school, during breaks and after school. For every 1 Hour of walking, or participating in group exercise sessions, employees will receive 30 minutes of Comp Time to be used as needed upon approval by Administration.

The sign in log book is located in the main office.