Friday, August 26, 2016

Week 3 Updates

1.  Grade Level Meetings will be held on today in the conference room.

2nd and 3rd Grades - 8:40 AM

UA/ PE - 9:40 AM

K and 1st  - 11:15 AM

4th and 5th Grades - 1:40 PM


1. 2016 Data Review

2.  Journeys Reading Program

3.   ELEOT Classroom Student Engagement Tool

4,  Learning Focused Lessons

5.  IB Thematic Units

6.  Student Discipline

7.  Parent Communication

8.  Team Collaboration

9.  Technology Classes will begin on Monday.  Please have your students arrive with Stride Academy Passwords.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Open House Schedule

6:00 PM  Call to Order


                 Introduction of Faculty and Staff
                 Pre K
                 1st Grade
                 2nd Grade
                 3rd Grade
                 4th Grade
                 5th Grade
                 Unified Arts
                 Collaborative Education

                 Selection from String Orchestra

                 Greetings From Principal Brown

6:30 PM   Room Visitation

7:00 PM  Room Visitation

7:30 PM  Dismissal

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

You are remarkable!  Two days of school and two days of success for our students.  I have been very impressed by the spirit of collegiality and professionalism exhibited by staff this week.  We are a learning focused organization and it shows. Keep up the good work!


1. Reducing copier costs is still a major point of emphasis for the district as we seek to save money where we can be more efficient.  Therefore you are reminded to be prudent and think about how we can keep fidelity but be more efficient.

For Example : Print Weekly HW Sheets on a 1/2 Page,  Survey parents and only send printed copies to parents who can not access you Blog for the information, Avoid typing a writing prompt on a page and copying it for student writing, rather write the prompt in the board and have students write on their own paper.

2.  Engage in the recycling program.  Saturday I decided to take out the trash so that our custodians would be free for other needs when they arrived Monday morning.  The experience revealed something to me that our custodians have often said.  We discard large amount of paper.  Extra copies of materials that were not used.  I emptied several bags into the recycling bins that were full of nothing but paper.

3.  We will begin administering the Universal Screener on Monday.  As you know all data will be published by class and teacher. We will discuss data and account for the results as we plan for improvement.  That includes benchmark data and end of the year accountability data.

4.  Open House tomorrow 6:00 - 7:30PM. All faculty and staff will be introduced and parents will visit classrooms to hear from the teacher.  There will be (2) 20 minute sessions for classrooom visitation.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Check List

In preparation for Day 1 please ensure that the following checklist items are in place by 2:00 PM today.

1.  Class Roll 
2.  All Learning Resources (TE's and Student Books)
3.  Desks, Chairs and Tables
4.  Week 1 Homework Sheet From Team
5.  Parent Welcome Letter From Team
6.  Lesson Plan Posted on Door (Copy Submitted to Principal)
7.  Essential Questions on Board
8.  Needed Repairs Reported via email to Secretary and CC Principal

Other Information

1.  Teachers may enter the building on Saturday, your ID will open the door.  
2.  BCS Security must be notified prior to entering and upon leaving. (231-4911).
3.  If you generate trash please take it to the dumpster prior to leaving.
4.  Open House will be Wednesday from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM.

Procedures for Monday

1.  Students and parents will report to the gym @ 7:15 AM
2.  Kindergarten parents will report directly to classrooms starting at 7:40 AM.
3.  We will begin our UA & PE schedule on Monday however the 2nd and 3rd Grade Block 
     will run from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Tuesday it will began as scheduled at 8:00 AM.
4.  Issue books to students.
5.  Engage the students with vigor and a smile! Remember the importance of the first (15) 
6.  Expect a walk through looking for (3) Indicators of Learning: Essential Questions 
     Posted, Small Group Instruction and Use of Formative Assessments.
7.  Please plan to arrive early!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

2016 - 2017!

Welcome Back! What a a day it was yesterday as the BCS Institute set the stage for a great year.  Today we will have Team Meetings to discuss Learning Focused Goals and Expectations as outline by the BCS and our Learning Focused Team.  Also meetings are scheduled for Team Leaders, Non-Tenured Teachers and Classified Staff.

Meeting Schedule

8:30 AM - Non-Tenured Teachers

9:00 AM - Classified Staff

9:15 AM - Team Leaders

9:45 AM - Team Meetings

11:30 - 1:30 PM - Lunch

2016-17 Team Leaders

K           Mrs. Isaac
1st         Ms. Coleman
2nd        Ms. White
3rd         Mrs. White
4th         Mrs. Foster
5th         Mr. Robertson
SpeEd    Mr. Smith
UA         Mrs. Cochran