Thursday, September 22, 2016

District Wide Prefessional Development Day

Professional Learning Activities 

September 23, 2016 is our first professional development day of the school year.  Due to the fact that teh beginning of the year is filled with clerical tasks and duties we will only have an abreviated meeting and allow staff to work to catch and meet all past and pending deadlines.

As we work toward our IB goals we will discuss our Plans of Inquiry for the Thematic Units we are currently teaching.

Please follow the link below and review the contents of the website and the associate pictures of student work products.  Use this information to guide the development of your instructional practices during the demonstration block where we engage students  in thematic instruction.

Tomorrow we will discuss this information and have each team review their POI for our first thematic unit.


7:45 AM - Sign In

8:30 AM 

1. ACIP and Technology Plan Review 

2.  IB Thematic instruction Team Presentations (10 minutes) - Each Team will present to the faculty their thematic unit plan of Inquiry for this month.  The discusssion should include;

a.  essential question / central idea
b.  standards included in unit
c.  learning objectives
d.  resources and activites used to engage learners 
e. details of group discussions and projects
e.  evaluation of student learning

9:30 AM

3.  Computer Lab - (Educate Alabama, Advance Ed Surveys and Easy Tech)

Lunch 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM

3:15 PM - Dismissed

Monday, September 12, 2016

Team Meetings 9.12.16


1.  Literacy Instruction
     a.  Learning Focused
     b.  Journey's
     c.  IB Thematic Instruction
          1.  PYP Action Plan
          2.  POI
          3.  Fidelity

2.  Continuous Improvement Plan
     a.  Self Assessment
     b.  Stakeholder Involvement
     c.  Executive Summary
     d.  Effective Schools Goals

3.  Educate Alabama
     a.  Education Directory
     b.  Self Assessment
     c.  Professional Learning Plan

4.  Introduction to Retirement Counseling

Friday, September 9, 2016


1.  Go to the Education directory and update your personal and school contact information. If you are a new employee to our school sure to select me as your evaluator.

2.  Complete your self assessment in Educate Alabama (September 12, 2016).

3.  Complete your Professional Learning Plan in Educate Alabama (September 14, 2016) -  Each year we work toward school goals and we document our plans in the PLP.  We have found it to be most helpful for staff if you include the job-embedded PD that will be offered at school as an easy and reliable means to meet all PLP goals. This year under academic goals you may include the following;

Complete International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Training (Category 1, 2 or 3 as applies to you based on work completed).

Evidence - Certificate of Completion

Implications for Learning - Implementation of thematic instruction, utilizing inquiry based teaching strategies and increased instructional rigor.

2.  Complete Learning Focused Schools training.

Evidence - Sign in Sheets

Implications for Learning - Lessons framed around an essential questions and anchor activities.  Increased small group instruction, increased use of graphic organizers in literacy lessons, collaboratively planned lessons, emphasis on students improving critical thinking skills as demonstrated by integrating knowledge across content areas.

3.  Team Meetings on Monday - Team Leaders should bring notebook of team meeting minutes and Teachers should bring student data forms showing student levels and intervention groups.

8:30 AM - 2nd and 3rd Grades

9:35 AM - UA and PE

10:40 AM - K and 1st Grade

1:30 PM - 4th and 5th Grades

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Month Two of the School Year

August was a flash and now we are about to complete Week 5 of school! Listed below are few updates and important information.  Team leaders please sure that all of your team members review this information and are in compliance.

1.  Be sure to record detailed minutes from grade level meetings including in particular comments and ideas reflecting evidence of data analysis, collaborative discussions and implementation of best practices.

2.  Until all reading materials are in, please utilize your online access to Journey's materials to plan lessons and center activities etc.

3.  Protect the Reading Block! No Interruptions, No Errands, No Excuses!!

4.  Reminder: Parent conferences must occur during planing time.  Please professionally inform parents who may show up of our policy and continue to teach toward your objectives.

Also, parents may not host birthday celebrations at school.  We can not compromise instructional time we have goals to achieve and birthday parties will not help us get there.  Please advise you parents accordingly if asked.  

5.  Please talk to your students about their conduct in the restrooms.  We are finding evidence of students standing on toilets, wasting paper and putting foreign objects in the toilets.  Please monitor your students on your class breaks for time in the restroom and cleanliness.

6.  Please advise you recycling team to be sure to place items in the bins and not on the floor.

7.  Staff must have clearance from administration in order to be in the building after hours (5:00 PM) or on weekends. If you need to do so contact administration for prior approval.