Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cluster Meeting Agenda

Mission Statement - The mission of Charles A. Brown Elementary Learning Community is to develop compassionate, responsible, creative and confident learners capable of being successful in a global society driven by 21st Century technology and digital media.

The Brown Student Learning Profile - We are knowledgeable, open-minded, caring, inquirers, communicators, principled, reflective, risk-takers, thinkers and well-balanced.

Embracing a Sense of Urgency, Teaching with a Sense of Urgency, Living with a Sense of Urgency!

1.  Standard Operating Procedures
    a.  Morning Duty
    b.  Passing Classes
    c.  After School Dismissal

2.  Teacher Accountability
    a.  Failure Plans
    b.  Grades
    c.  No Individual Appliances in Classrooms
    d.  Children May Not Use Teacher Workroom Equipment - (They are prohibited from Teacher Areas)

3.  IB Category I Training
    a.  Work with fidelity
    b.  Work as a Team

4. Community Service Project - We will donate items to the Female Inmate Work Release
    Center in North Birmingham and Children's Village Orphanage.

    K - Tooth Paste and Tooth Brushes
   1st - Soap and Shampoo
   2nd - Snacks
   3rd - Lotion
   4th - Sox
   5th - Brushes, Combs, Hair Accessories

5.  Classroom Support Personnel, Teacher Assistants and Behavior/Physical Aids
     a.  Engaged in every aspect of instruction (TA's)
     b.  No Pull Outs
     c.  Not Errand Hands
     d.  Small Group Instruction
     e.  Learning Centers
          1.  Technology
          2.  Writing
          3.  Reading
          4.  Explicit Teaching


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Early Dismissal UA/PE Schedule

Mission Statement - The mission of Charles A. Brown Elementary Learning Community is to develop compassionate, responsible, creative and confident learners capable of being successful in a global society driven by 21st Century technology and digital media.

The Brown Student Learning Profile - We are knowledgeable, open-minded, caring, inquirers, communicators, principled, reflective, risk-takers, thinkers and well-balanced.

Early Dismissal UA/PE Schedule

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM      4th and 5th Grade
9:35 AM - 10:35 AM    K and 1st Grade
10:40 AM - 11:40 AM  2nd and 3rd Grade

Cluster Meeting Agenda

1.  Standard Operating Procedures

  •      Fidelity
  •      Consistency
  •      Observations Reveal Gaps

2.  Protect the Reading Block

  •      No movement, no interruptions! Intense focused instruction from beginning to end.

3.  Classroom Support Personnel

  •      Teacher should have support planned into SGI and engaged with students.

4.  Volunteers

  •       Fridays - 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  •       Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

5.  Absences and Tardy Report

  •      Being on Time is Non-negotiable outside of extenuating circumstances

6.  Failure List

  •      Plans due January 25, 2016

7.  Practice Classroom Lock down procedures after Lunch on today
8.  Learning Focused Schools
9.  Black History Program Dates

  •      2nd and 3rd Grades - February 12th 8:30 AM
  •      K and 1st Grades       February 19th 8:30 AM
  •      Music Department     February 26th 8:30 AM

Friday, January 15, 2016

Exploratory Schedule

Exploratory classes begin today and will continue each Friday through May.

1.  Each Grade Level Team determined what non-academic project centered classes/activities that
     will be offered.
2.  Students should be allowed to choose which classes they will attend.
3.  Students are to choose between the teachers on their grade level as Exploratory Classes will not          be multi-grade with the exception of Cub Scouts, Strings, Choir and Art Club
4.  Schedule
     Session A 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Choir
     Session B 1:50 PM - 2:40 PM
5. Art Club and Choir will meet for both Sessions.  These students have been selected by Mrs.
    Asher and Mrs. Cochran.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Unified Arts and PE Cluster

Mission Statement - The mission of Charles A. Brown Elementary Learning Community is to develop compassionate, responsible, creative and confident learners capable of being successful in a global society driven by 21st Century technology and digital media.

The Brown Student Learning Profile - We are knowledgeable, open-minded, caring, inquirers, communicators, principled, reflective, risk-takers, thinkers and well-balanced.

1.  The 4th and 5th Grade Block will change from 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM.  Please meet as a Team and consult with affected teachers to address any conflicts that may arise and submit to me a proposal to address it.

2.  All Unified Arts Team Members are assigned instructional Support Duties during the reading block. You should report at 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM each day.  Your role is to support core instruction by assisting students navigate learning centers, reading to low level students in need of intervention, providing skill practice/review and other supportive tasks as planned by the classroom teacher.

Mrs. Asher - Mrs. Glover, 1st Grade
Mrs. Bowen - Ms. Coleman, 4th Grade
Ms. Browning - Ms. Webb, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Cochran - Mrs. White, 3rd Grade
Ms. Crow - Ms. A. White, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Fuller - Mrs. Pritchett, 4th Grade
Mrs. McMiller - Mrs. Glover, 3rd Grade

3.  Please decide upon an weekly time (after the Reading Block) for Team Meetings and provide day and time to Instructional Coaches and Administration.  Minutes from meetings should be retained and a copy provided to administration.

4.  Dismissal - Please be sure to be on your assigned post from 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Each Day

Mrs. Asher - 1st Floor Hall Directing Traffic
Mrs. Bowen - * Traffic with Mr. Smith
Ms. Browning - Concessions
Mrs. Cochran - * Main Hall Directing Traffic Assisting Mrs. Asher
Ms. Crow - Traffic with Mr. Smith
Mrs. Fuller - K, 1 and 2 Dismissal
Mrs. McMiller - Front Door

* 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM on days when classes are held 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM.

5.  Grades and Grading


Discipline may not be used in grading.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cluster Meeting Agenda

Mission Statement - The mission of Charles A. Brown Elementary Learning Community is to develop compassionate, responsible, creative and confident learners capable of being successful in a global society driven by 21st Century technology and digital media.

The Brown Student Learning Profile - We are knowledgeable, open-minded, caring, inquirers, communicators, principled, reflective, risk-takers, thinkers and well-balanced.
1.  Instructional Fidelity

  • Baseline Assessments (Ongoing)
  • Rigorous, inquiry centered project based collaborative learning experiences that are differentiated and tiered.
  • Progress Monitoring
  • ReGrouping
  • Repeat 2-4
  • Summative Assessments

2.  Grading
  •     a. All fields should have grades (Tests, HW, Classwork, Quizzes, PROJECTS)
  •     b.  Failing Student Report
3.  IB Thematic Units

  • How does the Central Idea Frame the Lesson?
  • Is the Essential Question the same as the Central Idea?

3.  Standard Operating Procedures
4.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Program January 13, 2015

  • Global Perspectives
  • IB Profile and Principles
  • A Learning Experience
  • Preview Due January 8th @ 9:00AM

5.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Projects - Emphasize content and depth of analysis. Opinions should be supported by evidence from multiple sources that are properly cited.

6.  Grants
  • BrightHouse Networks
  • APT Grant $5000 - $10000

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Updates

Welcome Back

I hope your Holiday Vacation was restful and rewarding.  Our focus now turns to closing out the year with fidelity to our standard operating procedures and our academic goals and initiatives.  On today, 4th Grade teachers will participate in training for a new pilot program designed to increase student reading ability.  All other teams will remain on campus and conduct grade level meetings from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM.  Lunch 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM.  Team leaders should provide administration with a copy of the minutes by the end of business today.

Grade Level Meeting Agenda

1.  Classroom Needs Assessment (Repairs, technology needs etc).  Provide list to Mrs. Holmes.
2.  IB Thematic Unit Discussion and Planning
3.  Chalkable Lesson Plans - All plans should be posted through January 15, 2016.
4. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Projects - Students should complete a project examining the travels, accomplishments and beliefs of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  The Guiding Question for this project is to whether Dr. King should be considered a Global Learner based on the characteristics of the Learner Profile which we ascribe to in our school.  Teachers should develop student activities for this project, emphasizing research, declarative writing, social studies/social science, reflection and applications to the world today.
5.  Review/Discuss
     a  Morning Duty - All teachers at their door from 7:45 AM - 7:55 AM monitoring students at lockers and entering classes.
     b.  Exchanging classes - Students must be quiet in the hall.  Teachers should lead their students and not send students ahead.  Teacher should always remain positioned at the head of the line when exiting the building.  The teacher should be the first person to arrive at classes' destination.  While walking, the teacher should move from the midway point of the line to the front.
     c.  Student Rest room Activity - Students may not be sent in groups without Teacher supervision.      d.  Lunchroom Decorum - Classes should be quiet in the lunchroom speaking only at a low tone.
     e.  Dismissal - Teachers must escort students out of the building and supervise them until picked.  Students may not enter building without a teacher and may not use phone until signed in by their teacher at 3:15 PM.  Teachers are to sign in their students, students should not sign themselves in.
    f.  Student Discipline - Student discipline referrals should submitted on the appropriate forms after teacher interventions have been attempted and documented.  At no time should Teachers nor any one under the Teacher's supervision make audio or video recordings of student behavior.