Friday, August 22, 2014

BCS Instructional Standards and Norms

Each teacher should ensure that the following items are posted in the appropriate areas. Refer to the curriculum department memo received during Monday's Vertical Team Meetings for a complete list of the points of emphasis from central administration.  Below are a few clarifying points.

1.  "Class of 20__" Signs.  For each grade level we are asked to post their HS Graduation Class and refer them to it often.

2.  The BCS is embarking on a district-wide writing program.  Each Monday all teachers are asked to conduct Drop Everything and Write for (15) minutes daily.  The prompts and rubric for grading will be provided in Data meetings on next week.

3.  The "Do Now" Icebreaker referred to in the letter from the curriculum department should be conducted during the first (10) minutes of the class after the morning announcements.

4.  The BCS Big 5 should be posted in the class and often referred to.

5.  Lessons Plans should be posted at the door.  Central Administration has not made a final decision on the Elementary Lesson Plan Form.  For now we may use our existing form.  Lesson Plans should be posted prior to the end of the day August 22, 2015.  (A copy of the Lesson Plan Form has been emailed to your BCS address.)

6.  The Agenda referred to in the document from the Curriculum Department is merely a schedule of teacher/student activities during a lesson.  

The following is the agenda for our Reading Block.

8:00 AM  Whole Group Introduction (Ice Breaker, Do Now and or Memory Jogger)

8:15 AM  Small Group Instruction (Technology, Writing, Explicit Teacher Learning Centers etc.)

9:20 AM  Lesson Summary and Connections 

9:30 AM  Intervention (Explicit Re-Teaching to students identified as needing a more intense experience.)

10:00 AM  Reading Block Ends

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