Thursday, February 26, 2015

1.  Due to inclement weather, our Black History Month Program will be rescheduled for March 3, 2015 at 9:00AM.

2.  E-Learning Projects due by March 4, 2015. Be sure to have and E-Learning Category in your student's iGrade profile.

3.  High rigor instruction infusing technology into every lesson is our expectation.

Monday, February 9, 2015


1.       Socrative Student Survey (Complete by 2/9/15)  Room: a39b943f

2.      Grade Level Meetings Tuesday

3.      Black History Month Program Tuesday 1:00PM (Grades 3-5)

Due to voting, the program will be held in the Music Room and seating is limited.

4.      School Walkthrough, Wednesday 2/11/15

Student Work Products
Positive Behavior Supports
Learning Supports
Data Walls
Lessons Plans will be inspected by visiting committee.

5.      Potential Donor for IB Program 2/26/15
      Go to for pics and articles on the Basketball   

6.  E-Learning Assignment (February 9-16)
     a.  Included in your I-Gradebook a (E-Learning Category) for this student project grade.
     b.  Complete Students Technology Survey at
     c.  Using IB Learning Profile, identify (1) African American Historic Figure and created a power point or prezi showing how they meet the criteria of an IB Learner.